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Catherine’s service

First Consultation: introduction of legal obligations and how I assist with writing of vows, the option for a Marriage Certificate, interview you about your love story.

Marriage License:  you apply for a Marriage License at the Department of Internal Affairs; or I am able to assist with this process if you wish.  

Rehearsal: This is held close to the actual ceremony date, normally the day before. I will contact you to arrange the rehearsal.

The Wedding Day:  I will ensure everything is fine and there are no last minute changes that can affect the legality of the Marriage License. On the day, I will be there early to check everything is in order and prepare for the actual ceremony. After the ceremony, I will ensure you and two witnesses sign the necessary documents.

Post Wedding: I will send one copy of the document to the Department of Internal Affairs, and register your marriage with the authority. At the same time, I will assist with applying for an official Marriage Certificate for you.




  1. 向二人讲解法律责任及我如何协助,包括结婚誓言的撰写,采访二人的爱情故事;

  2. 给二人电邮申请“结婚执照”所需资料的中文表格和清单。



  1. 编辑二人的爱情故事,撰写结婚誓言;

  2. 在新西兰婚姻注册局代理申请新西兰法定“结婚执照”;

  3. 根据二人所需的典礼准备结婚庆典;

  4. 按需要,安排两位结婚见证人。



  1. 二人抵达新西兰惠灵顿,正式见面讲解程序及仪式过程;

  2. 带领二人到婚姻注册局签字及领取结婚执照;

  3. 婚礼当天,主持结婚仪式,主导结婚誓言;

  4. 督促文书签字,代理在国家婚姻注册局办理正式结婚登记;

  5. 代理申请法定“结婚证明”,邮寄“结婚证明”给二位新人。

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